The person that I'm dating and I worked together, and she planned an outing. She was a lot more expressive of her feelings. We were sitting in an open area on some chairs, and I had marked the chairs with a pen. I then erased what I had marked, and a security guard came to tell me I was in trouble and that I had to go to the security office at the mall to speak to a police officer. In the office, I saw a paper with notes about the incident. As I was reading it I noticed that the police officer came in and I handed the paper to my date who hadn't noticed the officer come in. When they asked me if I had seen a note I replied that I hadn't seen the note and my date took the queue and hid the note. I told them they did not have substantial evidence to hold us and I grabbed my date's hand and walked out.
This dream may suggest that you are experiencing some hidden anxiety or guilt regarding your relationship with your partner. The pen markings on the chairs may indicate that you are feeling pressure to mark your territory or assert your own space in the relationship. The security guard and police officer represent your own sense of moral or ethical judgment and the fear of being caught or reprimanded for your actions.
The fact that your partner is more expressive in the dream may suggest that you are seeking more emotional or communicative connection with them in your waking life. The act of erasing the markings may symbolize a desire to erase or forget your past mistakes or uncertainties about the relationship.
Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your desire to feel more secure and confident in your relationship, while still grappling with underlying anxiety and fear of consequences. It may be helpful to reflect on any unresolved feelings or conflicts in your relationship and communicate openly with your partner to ease any tension or discomfort.